File #1352: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_1_0027.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 1, Item 27- Letter to Ora and Porter Heath Morgan from Dick T. Morgan (1890
April 13)

April 13, 1890- Sunday 3 P.M.

My Dear Wife and boy:
This is Sunday p.m. I guess I will not go to Sabbath school this afternoon as I have been
accustomed to since I came here, but will spend my time writing to you and possibly to Laura
and Mother.
I arose at my usual time this morning, for Sunday morning, about 8 o'clock, prepared myself,
and went to breakfast. My breakfast consisted of cup of coffee and ham-sandwich- 10 cents
I went to Sunday school Christian church. The [?] invited me to speak- but I was modest- and
excused myself. I attended church. It is about a mile and 1/2 from church to my room. i walked
about half way home, when I stopped at [?] for dinner. I had boiled eggs- fried and butter- an
apple and orange- and water- cost 25 cents I then walked slowly to my room. Gregory and I
talked awhile and I commenced to write. I might say that I suppose you understand that I take
my meals from place to place as want to and when I may happen to be. Gregory's room and
board, hen in sauce place. The room teacher. He expects to start home Tuesday. He has been
here since 1st Jan. He has received a position to travel for 21/2 months in West getting
information as immigration. He gets $6.00 per day for time he is at work. Well, this is about all

the news I know. We feel considerably encouraged over our bill- is nice certainly go [[?]] this
course and then will end soon for. But I am going to get all ready so I can go home at any time I
think back. My friend here tells me Harrison will do something for me, and that I should not go
away. This may be little comfort to you and yet my dear wife you must look at this thing in a
business way and I know you will. For myself, I can get along any way- but I desire above all
other things on each to provide well for my dear Ora and Porter to be able to give you an easier
time- and more enjoyment of life, and what I can do for this I shall do.
While I am away from you I think much of you, and about how good you are and what a
treasure a man has when has a good, wife and how great a pleasure is shared be for a man to
do all in his power to repay this goodness, love and faithfulness. So I resolve to try harder in the
feature to please my good wife- whether I succeed or not on the appointment of each.
I hope you have been each to Sunday school and church to-day and have enjoyed yourselves. It
is gentle warm here and of warmer days. I had letter from Laura yesterday. She is quite anxious
that I do all I can to get Mr. Morris appointed P.M. and I don't know how it will come now.
Mr. Brown is home by this time. I hope Charley grows better. As far as I can see Mr. B's trip
here was of little benefit to him. It was too bad he had to go home. Well, I will close this letter. I
hope you are well. Love in abundance and kisses for each- Ora and Porter.
There is nothing new on your question. It is the general belief the appointment wise for all of