File #1358: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_1_0021.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 1, Item 21- Letter to Porter Heath Morgan from Dick T. Morgan (1889, June 04)

Kenner & Morgan
J.B. Kenner
Dick T. Morgan
Guthrie, Indian Territory
Dear Porter:
This is Wednesday morning. We had another rain yesterday and everything is wet and damp
this morning- but the sun is shining and I guess it will soon dry off.
Mama has been writing me how nicely you did in your speeches all of which pleases me very
much. I am very sorry that I could not be there to hear you.
Porter, I expect I will be home Saturday or Sunday some time when I will see you and we can
have a long talk. I hope you and mama are well. Excuse this short letter. I hope I will hear from
you again before I go home.
Your affectionate,

[[written in margins]] Charles is getting along very well- but will take him several weeks to get
well enough to use.