File #2159: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_27_0002.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 27, Item 2- Letter to Ora Morgan from Dick T. Morgan (1905 June 12)

Woodward, Okla,
June 12, 1905
Dear Wife:
I received your card, and naturally I am very uneasy about yourself and mother. I am sorry now I
did not go to Kansas City and see that you both got off right. I have re-examined the time-tables
and have come to the conclusion that mother would not get to Kansas City until 10:20 Tuesday
night and would have to stay there over night. and then would get in to Terre Haute in the night.
Well, she is pretty plucky and I presume will get through all right. At least, I will hope so. I, of
course, didn't know

[[written in margins]]
Mrs Wiggins started for Ills. the next day after you left. and Mrs. W. said they knew nothing of
you going on would have gone with you.

for certain what you did, but I presume you went on and left her. I know it would be
embarrassing to you, but you no doubt did what you thought was best under the circumstances,
and if will be all right. I hope you got through all right and feel better to-day. I had a letter from
Mr. Fogg saying Mrs. Blockman offered me $30.00 per month for the lower rooms in Some
office building- I asked $35.00 Don't know just what I had better do. Had notice yesterday to
meet College Trustees tomorrow. the 13 and as I was not at the last meeting concluded I had
better go- So I am expecting to go - if train gets here in time. At Bower house- there is no news
except that

Mr. Smith has left us He has gone to Mr. Leuce's to room and board and I had a talk with Irvine
each and he asked me if I had heard any discussion about what his business was. I told only with
you and he then told me he could not [[?]] what his business was, but that he was looking for a
[[?]] and the Rubber tire business was what he followed at home but not what he was here after.
He also said his home was in buffalo, N.Y. and not St. Louis as he had given out. He said his
business was such that he had to keep it a secret as to Coherce he was from, I [[OCeanid?]]to me
to day that it would be nice for me to write

a letter to Pa and Ma as I could not be at the anniversary- so I did. You will see it of course. I had
letter from Porter this morning. Then was no news in it- I will send it to you later as there is
some matter about legal questions that I want to look over when I answer it. Well, I hope you are
at home and having a good rest by this time 11:10 p.m. and I will get to bed and get some sleep
before train time- So good night and pleasant dreams. Give my love to all. Your affectionate