File #2270: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_29_0013.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 29, Item 13- Letter to Ora Morgan from Dell (1906 May)

May -1906
Dear Sister,
I have been thinking about you so often the last week or two, I fear you are sick again so will
write you a note of [[?]] more for I am so so miserable I can [[?]] keep of thoughts sure I would
have to give up and go back to had this morn. but as long as I can go at all I [[?]] and must for
must try to take something off. Mother and Edna, for Mother fears she cannot stop, and Edna is
2 not strong, I were was but did try to take all that in newly counter drudgery until last year I had
to give it up. or I would not for Edna is so unhappy since she has had to take such work up on her
self, never read these house, but she can not really, that those [[?]] Ever say remedies made for
her by mother or I. We hope to soon get the home kinds shaped up for the Summer, if we [[?]]
had the Dining room cleaned and in shape again the moral would be over. For just now the men
are so so busy for have just commenced [[?]] Charlie is with us so all goes along smooth could
not get any are that we cared to hope in the Cotage was in hope we could
3 get someone that had a [[?]] that would be of some assistance to us in the house Dear good
May was of so much help to us last year not [[?]] with her hands but [[?]] her [[?]] and
cheerfulness and helpfulness, in one of her late dollar stove was so sorry you had not been well
this winter and sent love yourself and D. and her and forgotten her good visit with you last year,
and last week Mattie and ai rec. good letter from She and Bessie, may had to charge of the

gordon, chicken, and [[?]][[?]], so I think she has her hands full, and Bessie the milk and butter,
Bessie must use just
4 after holiday they were going to run a race this year with the butter and chicken, my head is
beginning to make me so sick I must bring this to a close, Ora do write and talk me something,
you do not know how badly Mother does [[?]] she does by to [[?]]use and you long silenced has
come to the conclusion that you did not enjoy your visit last Summer and that is not [[?]]
pleasant after enjoying you r visit, and we were all so glad to have you all, and you and D. ought
to be very proved of your children, for all think [[/]] all the [[?]] and friend. That Porter made a
good choice in a life of [[?]] same say it was the way he ever raised, more rain [[?]][[?]][[?]]
associate with the good and true, so I think you ought to
5 feel that you have done a good life work. Edna Rec. a letter from Bessie [[?]] the other day
saying she would visit in Ind. sometime this summer. Ollie [[?]] will come soon and later the
morgan of Oklahoma and hope Porter and Clem have [[?]] I can come at down of school I must
try and write that in looking one some letter to day sec thank letter [[?]] that muddle of march.
Nan Ora for Mother [[?]] to with [[?]] I d o always try to [[?]] cheerful as I can be you do not
know what an effort it has been [[?]] of to for the last year, and has I would have enjoyed letter
from you telling what is going on at
6 you place for I can not remember what I have been and [[?]] [[?]] get so hard to defend so
much [[?]] letter and reading matter for [[?]] but some day I can not read or write rather I get
envious, we that you would write if you ever played about the Clock as not, and I now Grandma
did [[?]][[?]] it not rec. her birthday letter, was here just racked our brain to see or remember
what we have done amiss, Grandma was wondering that day off you would come to C. to see

Porter step off that you might be going to surprise us; say if you are going to surprise us please.
write and tell me. Hope for your [[?]] [[?]] you will under something soon
your loving sis, Dell