File #2288: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_30_0002.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 30, Item 2-- Letter to Dick T. and Ora Morgan from Dell (1907 March 05)

Forest Home
Covington, Ind
Tue. Eve March 5, 1907
Dear Sister and Bro,
Where will I commence? with the birthday and go had or with Holidays and come up f the
present, the letter I think would be most satisfactory. Am quite sure I only wrote a card after C.
so will have to commence with Santa Claus has kindly he remembered me a very pretty lamp for
my room Evan and Archie, a pretty [?] and plate Edna shade for my glass door Hope a pretty pair
of gray cloth

[written in margins]
A very pretty white apron for Mother from May and [Bettie?] armed the other day. D. Also two
boxes of delicious candy in pretty boxes from Helen and [John?] L. Your card rec. D.
[/written in margins]

house shower, My sister do not think Edna wrote and explained so I will, [?] she did not get a
pair of shipper made I hd a pair that was quite good that Sad sent me years ago. So she found that
lon cloth shave and thot I could wear those about the house they were [?] so warm, but

unfortunately they were uncomfortable [?] and as she took that cold before she got them changed
they are yet here and do not know what I can do yet but am just as thankful as if I had worn them
all Winter, if I had only known what [?] you girls had
in your paper i would have called for a spoon for you remember years ago you and May gave me
a cup and Saucer and this year the plate and tumbler, than I spent I would have had to have a
little knife and fork than I would have an [?] table outfit for I have three napkin rings. Ollie
Foster sent me a pretty dainty pillow cover but think it can be washed worked solid in light blue
and white silk the ruffle and underside heavy sis worked with pretty stitch light blue S. her
present to Grandpa and ma was a picture of self and her
two children [Alserda?] and Pearl on quite a large card Hat H. a dainty work bag with orders to
cary every place I want, Clara C. laughed and said that would not be very often which is very
true for I have surely been outbid the gat three times since C. Mother [?] from H. was a work [?]
kind of brown or browns and inside with dark red satin lid and all with orders to be used, Helen
Dodde sent me another silk work bag but smaller and of darker silk and some of the other D. sent
me a Collar and gold beaded fin, and Alice made Mother a box of candy [?] kind all fine and
good here
not time to talk of the other from Clara a heart shaped sachet white over blue trimmed with lace,
a card from [Bill?] S. think that was all, and enough my Valentines a card from Alice D. a little
maiden with such a sweet face old fashion sunbonnet made in show and her basket of fruit, one
from Nan W. with Riley's picture and a bunch of roses made picture and over it two red hearts
with a gold dart through them and in the other corner a pretty [?] and under all a line from Nan.
quite a card, and from Sad quite an [?] [?] So she called it as she sent it. Valentine week

was a little booklet made of the gray paper they mount Kodak picture on on the back a bunch of
violet [?] a fastened together with violet writing the [?] contained pictures of the four children
taken separate and one of the girls together, the state normal and the C. Library, framed a better
picture of the girls in the near future, also that week rec. a card and letter from W from Bessie
and Mother two cards, and I a letter from May and they both spoke fo Uncle they could notice he
was failing May said it was first his energy or rather determination to not give up that kept him
going, that he
had a fall but was about well of that, I think Bessie and Fielding spent three weeks in W. spent
one week with Etta Pain, said Roger would enter Annapolis in April (Presume it is some military
school) as he had the appointment from the President, said the three girls are almost of a size,
said Mary king and husband lived just outside the City, think this is Bessie first visit to W. Since
she and F. were married so she had many friends to visit, May wished to be remembered to you
with Ever so much love. She was very miserable about Christmas time with her side ways down
but that all right when she wrote
All rather quiet most of the Winter, Clara [Carmikle?] had some of us in the evening of her
birthday about [?] I have forgotten to date, and about three weeks ago Serelda had Emma Bright
and I spend the day with her had been many long years since we three spent the day tighter, will
just say the day was very short. Really the 25, of Feb but the 24 was kept and celebrated the
Dawson Atkinson Home those present [?] those [?] of the home, Helen most intimate girl for and
Lorrain Livinggood, Grace and Dane W. Helene's Aunt Grace Adkins, Emma, May and Ruth C.
Charlie R.
Mr and Mrs Sanders and Son and Jim Lewis, Heath Family but Archie and Edna, really you wish
to now what we had for dinner, Turkey, dressing, gravy, oyster, potatoes, Slaw, cucumber and

tomato pickle, of course good bread and butter, cranberries cooked to a jell, plum butter, peaches
stoned after, solid white cake with pink icing, white layer cake with chocklet dressing between
(Helen baked the layer) ice cream, coffee, and watter and [?][?], Helen presented dress, spoke
cup and saucer, money book, booklet, book for Summer cards, perfume Collar, handkerchief,
pamper and blotter, and one or two cute pictures in frame
Grandma A Willow rocker from Charlie, Ollie, Grace, and Nell the boys a pair of fleeced lined
shoes, Emma C. a pair of knit shiffon, black and black ribbon, a picture of Helen in a frame, a
bible picture from Edna, Helen picture is to be hang in the induing room and the rocker is to be
used all the time, Mother is well fixed for foot [?], three foot warmed you sent her C. I think are
pretty enough to hang up and look at, and I think they would warm a person full without any fire.
Well think I have [?] the C. more also the anniversary quite through
Mother just asked if I wrote you that she had just finished her silk comfort and the cushion that
Ollie I have gave her she put a raffle of brown ribbon around it cushion which gave it a very
pretty finish, Presume Grandma M is with Porter and Clem yet and will remain until settled
neither Print after C. Clem wrote a note asking for Grandma recipe for Cooking as Porter thot
nothing quite took the place of that and I exposed they thot they never was going to get it for I
was aware I was only a letter and ans. to note so did not [?] to just send note so had a time
getting anything like a letter off. You ought to be here they called in the first tank of sweet water
to day Will Adkins and hand have charge of the bus, as our folks had so much fence to fix and
such work they could not walk spare the time, am fearful will not be very profitable as the
Winter has been rather warm for that, Now I hope I have kind of caught up, but many things I
could write but they will save, dash I will not have time to cram in your birthday letter so you
celebrated by many and me, do write soon. Loving Sis Dell

[written in margins]
All send love
[/written in margins]