File #2311: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_30_0009.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 30, Item 9-- Photocopy of the Indianapolis News of Buster Brown and Mary Jane,
Children (1907 August 11)

[preprinted text]
The Indianapolis News, August 11, 1907.
Many Anxious to Swell the news Fresh Air Fund
[image- two children, a boy and girl, dressed in a white dress and white suit are holding a poster
board with text that reads, "Resolved That we We will give a Lawn Peteat 323 N. Penna St. Aug.
14 For the Benefit of CheeryVale President Roosevelt Will not Bet here but We urge you to
come Regards, Bust Brown, Mary Jane, Tiger." There is small dog with a black and white coat in
front of the poster board.]
Buster Brown, Mary Jane The Resolution Adopted by Them
[/preprinted text]