File #2354: "CAC_CC_039_1_1_31_0008.pdf"


Box 1, Folder 31, Item 8- Letter to Dick T. Morgan from Ora Morgan (1907 June 16)

Covington, Ind.
June 16, 07
Dear Dick:Well, the anniversary is a thing fo the past. Everything passed off nicely. I have let this writing
go awhile this eve. I pressure you are over at the church. I hope there was a good audile this
morning-- but why should I think there was. Suppose there was a good audile this eve. Also,
suppose there was a good attendance at S.S. How often didi you practice last week, and how is
the entertainment coming on? You will write me all this, of course, and you must write me all

[[written in margins]]
[[?]] that - he remained over to-day. Mon June 17, I helped do a large washing to-day guess I
will send this on- Archie is going up to town this eve. Bye, bye,
[[/written in margins]]

the services of every Sunday (and the rest of the day, Sunday, too). I guess I will be deprived of
attending services while I am here- be the exception when I do My valises got over from

Danville all right, on next train, I presume; though for a wonder [[?]], nor any and went to town
Thursday, so I did not get them until Friday, p.m. the bugs, [[?]]. are so bad I believe I will have
to stop this and go to bed. Sorry Mrs. W and I didn't know of the other going- would have been
so pleasant. Rec'd a note from Mrs. DeFrees, Sat. Rec'd a short letter from Ma this morning
(Harp went to Lake Edna to train). I wrote Homer a card, Thursday, being anxious about Ma. Me
not writing to-day- 'twas Evan's birthday and we had to celeNo. 2.
Archie did not go to tow this eve. I have received both of your letters- one written [[?]], eve., the
other Friday p.m.- s'pose you thought you'd had your half-holiday (of Flag-day)- ha, ha- got
some sleep though, didn't you?
Hurrah for the good news (on finances)! Did you ^decided, and rent the downstairs rooms, too,
to Mrs. Blackman? Rec'd El Reno paper, also, send for [[?]] letter omg- expected to see it in
yours of yesterday. Would send ma's with this but want to answer it first. She wrote 14th, I wrote
card to Homer 13th. She staid all night at Kan. City, getting there 1 hr, and half after I left.
Reached T.H. 2:30 Thursday morning- Irvin F.
met her. When have you played croquet? Did you go to the Japanese social? I will moreparticulars of anniversary xc., soon. must close, now, ('tis Tuesday Morning)- Pa is waiting- goes
on errand as he goes and comes to mail box- so good bye, again.
Yours, Xo,

[[written upside down]]

they returned to appreciate your letter (any letter) very much- and ma asked me to say to you
when I wrote. O.