File #905: "CAC_CC_039_7_4_073.pdf"


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Coµg_ressiona:I Club Guest.
Handsome Gowns Worn.

Mr~. Lo~den .There~
The Congress-Iona! Club presented a
brilliant · scene last . ·evening at the
reception a ·n d ball' g·iven · by <the c1u·b.
In h'onor of Gen. Pershing. T.he clubhouse was . attractjve · in a -setting of
spring. plants · .a nd blossoms and a
handsomely' appointed tab'le was laid
in the tea room. · Mi's. Charles ,B. :
W•ard, president ,of the club, stood at 1
the ¥ad · of the .receiving !foe, as°'sist- ·
e.d. by Mrs. Jos.ephus•. Daniiils, Mrs.
Medill ;McCormick, Mrs. Edward J.
King, Mrs. Ja1nes ·_F. Byrnes, Miss
Alice Page, Mrs. C. Fran!, ,Reavis and
Mrs. Jouett Shou.a_e. .
Mrs. Fran!, 0. 'Lowd·en, wife of the
governor · of ·IJJ!nois, was fl:iere with
·Mrs. McCormick. Mrs . Lowpen _
handsome in ·a ti;ailing go\'l'n of turquoise blue sa-tiri ·. brocaded delicately
In gold · with gojd c-loth forming the
top of the ho.dice.
Mrs. Daniels woi'e a co-stume of
pale French · blue georgette crepe.
M_rs. McC.ormick wore .. SC!J-rlet ·satin
brocaded in gold. Mrs. '.'\.Vard was in
black n~t studd'ea · with cut steel:
Mrs. Shouse wore orchid ·brocaded
so.tin and lace. •Mrs. Reavis was in
b· ack net with jets . and to.uches .of
velvet. Mrs. ·Byrnes wore ,g ·reen an'd
gold brocaded ' metal ' cloth. Miss
P ·~ge was in !,lack tulle ·and satin.
Gen. Pershing dan<~e.d · first with Mrs.
Ward, a·nd then with Mrs. Shouse.